Frequently Asked Questions
We can do a lot. However our two primary services are:
FlatFeeIT - This is our comprehensive managed IT Support plan. If you have a business that needs IT help, this is the service for you. From helpdesk, monitoring, updating, backups, IT Strategy and more. See why we are the highest rated IT company in WNC.
SecureOne - Managed Security services that take the complexity and unknown out of the equation. We have developed a plan that provides the security best practices that every business should be doing and packages it up so that all can benefit without breaking the bank.
Talk to us about your business needs and challenges. We have answers!
Most business don't go into business to manage technology, yet almost every business uses technology as a critical part of their business.
We help manage the technology from both a day to day as well as from a long-term strategic perspective. This allows you to forget about tech and focus on growing your own business. Now that's a breath of fresh air!
There is no way around it. You are a target and if your business is unprotected, you will have a security incident at some point. This is the unfortunate reality in today's world.
You can lessen your worry by partnering with an experienced cyber security team who can help protect what matters most. This is what we are really good at.
We understand that IT and Security budgets are tight, heck they may not even exist in your company.
However, without the proper security protections in place, you are one security breach away from going out of business. We are not trying to fearmonger, we have seen it. It happens, and it can and will cripple your operations.
The good news is, it's easy to get started doing simple things that can make a big impact. Talk to us and see if we can get you started.
We have experience with a lot of different industries including:
- Municipalities
- Education
- Professional Services
- Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- Non-Profits
- More
We often find business leaders have a hard time making informed decisions around IT because they lack the information and understanding about their environment.
An IT assessment provides not only all of the information needed, but a benchmark and clear vision on what that data mean. We provide actionable insight that allow business leaders to make clear decisions that are informed and accurate.
Speak with us about our assessment options.
We can work with an existing IT team to help support and enhance their goals. We call this Co-Managed IT. We can fill in knowledge gaps for certain areas of technology, like advanced networking or virtual infrastructure. We can help plan and execute IT Projects, build budgets, create strategic plans, or field tier 1-3 support requests.
Talk to us to see how we can help your team.