Tech Blog

WSUS 3.0 SP1 Computers with no status

The setup: Server 2003 R2 SP2, DC & DNS Roles, WSUS SP1 Fresh install, default website (80).

The issue: No status reported by clients (Servers and workstations), Event ID 13042 in the Application logs on the WSUS server Self-update is not working.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Handset Workaround

One of my favorite things about my job is working with Cisco’s Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). It’s so robust and complex that there always seems to be something new to learn.  Last week I ran into a couple of interesting issues that I thought I’d share with...

AD DS Security/Distribution Groups

With Exchange 2007 SP1, and Server 2008 Active Directory Domain Services, you may want to enable users to send emails to your security groups.  The dilema is that security groups will not show up in the Global Address List (GAL).  In order to mail-enable an AD DS...
